Coiglímis an Tine – Cnuasach Seanchais agus Scéalta Bhab Feiritéar
- .5 KGs:
- Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne
- Bo Almqvist, Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh
- 9780906096154
Coiglímis an Tine is a tribute to Cáit ‘Bab’ Feiritéar, the renowned storyteller from Dún Chaoin in the Dingle Peninsula (1916-2005). The text and recording of 60 of her stories, accompanied by commentary and explanatory notes will be enjoyed by both native speaker and Irish language learner. There are legends and tales of the otherworld, stories of local and national heroes, comic tales and traditional prayers in the collection, compiled and edited by Bo Almqvist and Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh.