Imtheachta Aeniasa – The Irish Aeneid Being A Translation, Made Before A.D. 1400, of The XII Books of Virgil’s Aeneid Into Gaelic
- 0.5 KGs:
xx + 238 pp. ISBN 1 870 16606 X
This text represents an attempt by a medieval Irish writer to adapt Virgil’s Aeneid to an Irish prose form. Erich Poppe, who provided the volume with a new introduction in 1995, views Imtheachta Aeniasa as ‘the product of the fusion of a developed vernacular stylistic and narrative tradition with a learned and historiographical interest in the events of classical antiquity’. This text, and the Irish adaptation of the story of Hercules (Stair Ercuil, Vol. 38 below), were made the subject of the Society’s annual seminar held in conjunction with the Departments of Irish at UCC in 2005. The papers given at the seminar is published in Subsidiary Series No. 17, edited by Kevin Murray.
This volume contains Erich Poppe’s new introduction (1995)