The Poems of Giolla Brighde Mac Conmidhe
- 0.5 KG:
Nicholas Williams (foilsithe den chéad uair / first published 1980)
iv + 386 pp. ISBN 1 870 16651 5
This is one of the very few editions of an entire corpus of bardic poems by a single poet to have been published up to now, another being Eleanor Knott’s edition for this Society of the poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn (Vols 22, 23). The poet, Giolla Brighde, belongs in the early thirteenth century, and, as such, is representative of the beginning of the bardic period proper. His poems are thus not only of a high artistic quality but also of considerable historical value. N. J. A. William’s edition and translation of the twenty-two poems is accompanied by very extensive notes to the text.